What Does D&S Logging offer you?
We provide clean, efficient, high quality harvesting for timber owners. This includes…
We can market your timber. While timber management organizations have their own marketing program, most private owners do not. We can market your timber to ensure you get the highest value for your timber investment.
Cutting methods greatly effect the "finished product" of your timber harvest. We use both hand cutters and feller bunchers depending on terrain and timber type. This allows us to preserve the ground as well as minimize waste.
We log, process, and ship your timber. It is important that the logging job is tailored to meet the desires of the land owner. We will work to understand what your goal is for your land and the best way to accomplish it. We leave your land clean, provide smooth efficiency, and a high quality service.
Road Building
Whether a road is needed to harvest your timber or simply access your land or new building site we can do it. We can build both temporary as well as permanent roads depending on working conditions and the land owner's preference.
Some Douglas fir trees grow to just the right height and taper to be made into valuable poles – used for stadium lighting, telephone poles, and large power lines. They must be fell, processed and trucked very carefully; they can be up to 125 feet long, and the slightest damage to the tree can disqualify it from being made into a pole. We can carefully select and harvest these specific trees while leaving most of the rest the timber standing.
“Farmer, ranchers, loggers: our true environmentalists.”